Event | Film
CALA Fall 2019 Film Series | Fragile Earth: Environmental Films Around the World Screening of “When Two Worlds Collide”
Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South
Environmental Films Around the World
Screening of “When Two Worlds Collide” 2016 ‧ Documentary ‧ 1h 43m
By Heidi Brandenburg and Mathew Orzel. Introduced by Odi Gonzalex, NYU CLACS.
From population growth and urbanization to climate change, the films in this series present different perspectives on the biggest threats to the environment and reflect on possible solutions and pathways for a sustainable future for the planet and its inhabitants. This series is held in conjunction with CALA’s film studies courses which can be seen at https://www.sps.nyu.edu/professional-pathways/topics/film-and-tv/film-studies.html. The screenings are free with RSVP and you can RSVP at TINYURL.COM/CALAFILMFA19 .