
Exhibit Opening: Afromayores


Audiovisual project created by Lucía-Asue Mbomío, Laurent Leger Adame, and José Oyono to preserve memory and acknowledge the existence of Black people over sixty-five years old, learn about their history, and celebrate their legacy.

The Afromayores project is one of the many artistic initiatives linked to Espacio Afro, a cultural and Afro-centered thought center. In a time when, fortunately, there is increasing discussion about what it means to grow old, it is essential to consider those who, in addition to the usual challenges of aging, also face the nostalgia and pain of being thousands of kilometers away from their birthplace, cultural gaps, racism, xenophobia, and, in some cases, language and administrative difficulties.

It is important to understand their desires and needs, especially considering that geriatrics lacks a multicultural and multiethnic perspective. In a stage of vulnerability such as old age, it must not be easy to be a Black person and/or someone with a non-Spanish cultural background in a daycare center or a nursing home.

This situation has led to the creation of an audiovisual project where Black African and Afro-descendant individuals over 65 years old are photographed, interviewed, listened to, and given a platform. All this material is shared on an Instagram profile and a YouTube channel, both under the same name: Afromayores.

NYU visitors are welcome to see the show M-F 8am-10pm; all others should reach out to kjc.info@nyu.edu to arrange a visit.

With support from:

Center for Black Visual Culture at the Institute of African American Affairs, NYU
Embassy of Spain in the United States
Center for the Study of Africa and the African Diaspora, NYU
NYU Center for the Humanities
NYU Office of the Provost
Faculty of Arts & Science, NYU