
Feminist Epistemologies and the Global South

Venue: KJCC Auditorium • 53 Washington Square South

Related: AB Chair


Dr. Linda Martín Alcoff is a Professor of philosophy at the City University of New York. Her recent books include Rape and Resistance; (Polity 2018); The Future of Whiteness (Polity 2015); Visible Identities: Race, Gender and the Self (Oxford 2006), which won the Frantz Fanon Award. She has also edited or co-edited 11 books and written over 100 journal articles and book chapters, and has contributed to The New York Times, Aeon, the NY Indypendent, and other publications. Currently she is finishing two books: one on a decolonial approach to race and racism, and a second on extractivist epistemologies. She is originally from Panama.

Djamila Ribeiro (AB Fall 2024 Chair) holds a degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in Political Philosophy from the Federal University of São Paulo. She is the coordinator of Feminismos Plurais, which includes the Feminismos Plurais Space, the Feminismos Plurais online platform, and the Sueli Carneiro editorial label, which publishes the Feminismos Plurais book collection.