CWS Series | Performance y conversación

Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 7:00 pm
KJCC, 53 Washington Square S, NY 10012
In Spanish. Reception to follow.
Presenta Urayoán Noel. Participa Edwin Torres.
Photo by David McIntyre

Edwin Torres is a NYC native and editor of The Body In Language: An Anthology (Counterpath Press). He is the author of 13 books of poetry including; Quanundrum: i will be your many angled thing (Roof Books) which also received a 2022 American Book Award, Xoeteox: the collected word object (Wave Books) and Ameriscopia (University of Arizona Press). Multi-disciplinary collaborations with a wide range of cultural nomads have contributed to the development of his bodylingo poetics. He has received fellowships from The Foundation for Contemporary Arts, NYFA, and The DIA Foundation, among others. Anthologies include; New Weathers: Poetics from the Naropa Archives, The Difference Is Spreading: 50 Contemporary Poets on Fifty Poems, Poets In The 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement, and Aloud: Voices From The Nuyorican Poets Café.
Co-sponsored by NYU MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish and NYU Department of Spanish and Portuguese