NYU KJCC welcomes Prof. Keila Grinberg, Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations for Spring 2018

Keila Grinberg joins NYU as the Spring 2018 Andrés Bello Chair in Latin AmericanCultures and Civilizations.
She is an Associate Professor of History at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). She has been a visiting professor at Northwestern University (2009) and the University of Michigan (2011/2012), and a Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago (2015/2016). Her book O fiador dos brasileiros: cidadania, escravidão e direito civil no tempo de Antonio Pereira Rebouças (Civilização Brasileira, 2002) is currently being translated into English (UNC Press). She has authored, coauthored, or edited ten books and dozens of articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. Her new project examines nineteenth century cases of kidnapping and illegal enslavement on the southern Brazilian border and their larger effects on the making of South American international relations. With Hebe Mattos and Martha Abreu, she is currently directing the public digital history project Pasts Presents: memories of slavery in Brazil.