KJCC welcomes Jon Lee Anderson as Andrés Bello Chair for Spring 2016

The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center is delighted to welcome eminent journalist, biographer, war correspondent and New Yorker staff writer Jon Lee Anderson to New York University this spring. An incisive and courageous chronicler of Latin American political life, power, culture, war, and global conflict, and a defender of journalism and journalists in the hemisphere, Anderson is in residence as Andrés Bello Chair in Latin American Cultures and Civilizations as the KJCC continues to focus on Journalism, Reporting, and Public Intellectual Practices. As part of his residence at NYU, Anderson is teaching the graduate course _Revolution, Power and Reportage at NYU’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS). ___During his tenure, he will be giving two public lectures and organizing a symposium to be held at the King Juan Carlos Center later this spring.
Jon Lee Anderson began his career in the early 1980s, reporting on Central America’s civil wars for TIME magazine. As a New Yorker staff writer since 1998, he has covered numerous international conflicts, including those in Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Angola, Mali, Liberia, and Central African Republic. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Harper’s, El Pais, Internazionale, The Financial Times, Guardian, The Sunday Times, TIME, and The Nation.
Anderson has reported extensively on Latin America, writing on Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and other nations and zones of conflict. He works to safeguard the rights of journalists and is on the board of the Colombia-based Gabriel Garcia Marquez Foundation for Journalism, and regularly teaches workshops for Latin American reporters. Anderson has profiled a number of international public figures such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Augusto Pinochet, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Hamid Karzai, Mahmoud Ahmadinajad and Charles Taylor.
Jon Lee Anderson is also a celebrated biographer, essayist and the author of books on contemporary conflict, military campaigns and political leadership. He is the author of Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, an authoritative and celebrated biography of the iconic Latin American political leader. While researching the book in Bolivia, he discovered the hidden location of Guevara’s skeletal remains, after which they were exhumed and returned to Cuba.
Anderson has a number of other books, including Guerrillas: Journeys In the Insurgent World, The Lion’s Grave: Dispatches from Afghanistan, and The Fall of Baghdad. He is also the coauthor of Inside the League and War Zones: Voices from the World’s Killing Grounds with his brother Scott Anderson.
He has won a number of awards, most recently Columbia University’s 2013 Maria Moors Cabot award.
Anderson’s next book project is a biography of Fidel Castro.