KJCC Poetry Series | Presentation of Matrix Lux. Poesía reunida (1989-2019) by Lila Zemborain

Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 7:00 p.m.
Venue: KJCC Auditorium
In Spanish. Reception to follow.
Introduced by Mariela Dreyfus. Participants: Arturo Carrera y Marta del Pozo.
Lila Zemborain (Buenos Aires) lives in New York since 1985. She has published eight poetry books recently compiled in Matrix Lux. Poesía reunida (1989-1919) (Buenos Aires: Bajo la luna: 2019). She has collaborated with poets and artists such as Pere Salinas, Martín Reyna and Alejandro Twombly. She is the Creative Editor of Xul Solar. Jorge Luis Borges. The Art of Friendship (2013). Among the recent poetry anthologies that include her work are The Body in Language. An Anthology (2019), Hierba sobre el mundo castigado. Colectivo poético involuntario (2017), Latinusa. Muestra de poetas latinoamericanos en USA (2015), and Poemas y Poetas Argentinos (2014). From 2000 to 2006 she was the director and editor of the Rebel Road poetry series and she organizes the KJCC poetry series at the King Juan Carlos I Center since 2004. She is co-founder of the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at NYU, which she directed from 2009 to 2012, and where she is currently a teacher. In 2007 she received the John Simon Guggenheim Scholarship, in 2010 a residency scholarship at the Millay Colony, and she was a finalist in 2015 for the Festival de la Lira of Ecuador with the poetry book Materia blanda.
Marta del Pozo has a PhD in Spanish literature from the University of Massachusetts- Amherst and an MFA in Creative Writing from New York University. She has published Escuela de Geómetras (School for Geometers) and Hambre de imágenes (Hunger of Images), which won the International Poetry Prize Antonio Gala in 2015. Nigredo, her last book of poems, was the recipient of the 2018 Entreversos Iberoamerican Prize in 2018. She has translated into Spanish the poets Richard Jackson, Robert Bringhurst, Leonard Schwartz and Jenny Xie, and The Dead by James Joyce. She is the founding editor of Quantum Prose, New York, and Assistant Professor in Spanish at the University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth.
Arturo Carrera is a poet, essayist and translator. He has published more than twenty books of poetry, including: Escrito con un nictógrafo (1972), Arturo y yo (1983), El vespertillo de las parcas (1997), Potlatch (2004), Las cuatro estaciones (2008), Fastos (2010), Vigilámbulo (2015), Ritornelos (2018). His work gathered in three volumes was published by Adriana Hidalgo Editora. He received the Guggenheim Scholarship (1995), the First Municipal Poetry Prize (1998), the Konex Poetry Prize (2004), the Hispano-American Poetry Prize Festival de la Lira in Ecuador (2009), the 2nd. National Poetry Prize (2011), the 2014 Konex Prize and the Copper Copper Award of the National Library of Argentina (2014).