Online Event | Conversatorios Online 2020-2021: Arte, Activismo y Lo Común

El aprendizaje de lo común: A conversation with Marina Garcés
Organized by Sara Nadal-Melsió
Q&A moderated by Matías Gallegos Ruiz
Thursday, March 25, 2021 | 6:00 pm EST
This event was in SPANISH with captions.
Marina Garcés is a Barcelona-based philosopher and essayist, a professor of philosophy, and a founding member of the collective project of critical and experimental thinking Espai en Blanc (Blank Space). She is currently the director of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Master’s Degree in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges. She has published several essays on contemporary politics and critical thought, including Filosofía inacabada (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015), Fora de classe. Textos de filosofía de guerrilla (Arcadia, 2016), Nova il·lustració radical (Anagrama, 2018) and Ciutat Princesa (2018) and Escuela de aprendices (2020). Website:

Sara Nadal-Melsió is a NYC-based Catalan writer and curator, who is currently a visiting professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at NYU. She has previously taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the SOMA art residency in Mexico City. Her essays have appeared in academic journals, edited volumes, and museum catalogs. She is the co-author of Alrededor de/ Around and the editor of two special issues on cinema The Invisible Tradition: Avant-Garde Catalan Cinema under Late Francoism and The Militant Image: Temporal Disturbances of the Political Imagination. She recently co-curated a show on Allora & Calzadilla for the Fundació Tàpies in Barcelona, for which she wrote a book essay and edited a companion volume on the Puerto Rican crisis.