Online Event | KJCC Poetry Series curated by Lila Zemborain | Variations on On the Nature of Things: Poetry & Science. Featuring Margarita Saona (Peru) and Marina Serrano (Argentina)

Introduced by Lila Zemborain
Wednesday March 24, 2021 | 7:00pm EST
This event was in SPANISH

Margarita Saona teaches literature at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She studied linguistics and literature at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. She received a Ph.D. in Latin American literature from Columbia University in New York. She is interested in issues of memory, cognition, empathy, and representation in literature and the arts. She has published numerous articles, two books on literary and cultural criticism, Novelas familiares: Figuraciones de la nación en la novela latinoamericana contemporánea (Rosario, 2004) and Memory Matters in Transitional Perú (London, 2014), two books of short fiction, Comehoras (Lima, 2008) and Objeto perdido (Lima, 2012), and a book of poems, Corazón de hojalata/Tin Heart (Chicago, 2017). She is currently working on two books, one entitled Despadre: La masculinidad y la crisis de la identidad en la cultura peruana which examines the way representations of men in Peruvian literature and film reveal deep fractures in the country’s imaginary, and another one, entitled Vital Signs, on the literary genres of infirmity.

Marina Serrano was born in 1973, in Quequén, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied Kinesiology and Physiatrist at the University of Buenos Aires, Psychology at the University of Palermo, and Psychosomatic Medicine at the “Luis Chiozza” Institute. Her poetry books published are: Formación Hospitalaria (Sigamos enamoradas, 2006) La diástasis de las tibias largas (Sigamos enamoradas, 2008); La única cosa necesaria (Del Copista, 2012); Segunda Fundación (Cabiria, 2015); Psiquis Anatómica (En Danza, 2016); Variaciones Argerich (del Dock, 2019); and Cinco puentes coronarios al hilo (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2021). Her poetry was included in the anthologies: Hotel Quequén I, II and IV (Sigamos enamoradas, 2006, 2008,2011); Poetas Argentinas (1961-1980) (Ediciones Del Dock, 2008), compiled by Andi Nachon; Cuestión de Luz. Seventeen Argentine poets (Huesos de Jibia, 2014), compiled by Ricardo Herrera; Erótica (Ediciones En Danza, 2015); Plantas (Ediciones En Danza, 2016); The Other Tiger: Recent Poetry from Latinamerica (Seren, 2016), compiled by Richard Gwyn; Arbolarium: Poetic Anthology of the Five Continents (Editorial CJM León, 2019). She has published the novel: Variaciones Argerich. PIANO-FORTE (Del Dock, 2019).