Professor Louis Milton Bourne Fellowship Announcement

New York University’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center and the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in Spanish are pleased to announce GSAS alumnus Professor Louis Milton Bourne (MA ’87 and PhD ’98 -Spanish) has made a generous donation through a bequest to endow and establish the “Professor Louis Milton Bourne Fellowship”. This future legacy will provide annual tuition support for a student(s) who demonstrate financial need and academic merit, and who are enrolled in the MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish Program at the Graduate School of Arts and Science.
Recently, Professor Bourne was the featured speaker at the CWS Series April 14th online event: A Virginian Looked for Meaning in Poetry by Living Spain and Writing in Spanish. A most interesting background, he was born in Richmond but grew up in Alexandria, Virginia. As a child, he lived two years in Mussoorie, India and Cairo, Egypt, received a BA in English at Chapel Hill, NC and an MA at Hollins University, VA. He spent three years getting an MA in English literature at Oxford University before moving to Madrid, Spain to live seven years under the Franco regime as an English teacher and lived through Spain’s transition to a parliamentary monarchy. Three books of poetry in Spanish, landscapes, paintings in the Prado and life experience, a MA and PhD in Spanish at NYU, Madrid, on Nicaragua’s national poet Rubén Darío led to a career as a Spanish professor at Georgia College & State U., twelve books of poetry translation of works by Hispanic poets, including poems by Nobel Prize Winner 1977, Vicente Aleixandre, and poems in English, The Thought of Seeing (Limerick, Ireland, 2019, Amazon).