Special Screening: El Cuadro (The Painting)

The film was available from 12:00pm (EST) on Monday, February 15, 2021 until 12:00pm Wednesday February 17 ONLY at KJCC YouTube Channel

On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 2:30pm EST the Institute of Fine Arts (IFA) at NYU hosted a celebration of Jonathan Brown’s new collection of essays, No solo Velázquez (Madrid: Cátedra, 2020) with Estrella de Diego (U. Complutense, Madrid), Robert Lubar Messeri (IFA), Edward Sullivan (IFA), Reva Wolf (SUNY New Paltz), Miguel Falomir (Museo Nacional del Prado), and the editor of the volume, Francisco Chaparro.
The King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center (NYU) joined the IFA in recognizing the significant contributions of Professor Brown to the art history of Velázquez and Gold Age Spain by hosting an online screening of the award winning film El Cuadro/The Painting, directed by Andrés Sanz (In Spanish with English subtitles, 1h 47m), in which he and other specialists contributed to a captivating narrative about the painting, its history, and its interpretations over time.
The film was nominated for best documentary in the 2020 Goya Awards, the 2020 Feroz Awards and the 2020 José María Forqué Awards. It was the winner of the 2020 Dias de Cine Awards and the Cinema Writers Circle Awards.
Synopsis of El Cuadro:
The enigma of Las Meninas has remained hidden since the day Velázquez made his last brushstroke three and a half centuries ago. As in a thriller, the film features a comprehensive group of art experts and artists that try to unravel the mystery of one of the most interpreted artwork in history. After watching this film, you will not see Las Meninas in the same way.