Spring 2022 Lecture Series | Charting the Portuguese Black Atlantic

All lectures take place at 12:30pm EST/EDT via Zoom.
Tuesday, February 1
Abraham Liddel (Columbia University)
Cape Verde and the Early Modern Black Atlantic
Tuesday, February 22
Drew Thompson (Bard College)
Filtering Histories: The Photographic Bureaucracy in Mozambique, 1960 to Recent Times
Tuesday, March 1
Rafael Cesar (Carnegie Mellon University)
White Skin, Black Masks: The Making of Race,Literature and History in the Angolan Liberation Struggle (1940s-1970s)
Tuesday, April 12
Aurora Almada e Santos (U. Nova de Lisboa)
The United Nations Visiting Missions to Guinea and Cabo Verde: 1972 and 1975
Thursday, May 5
Emanuelle Rodrigues dos Santos (U. of Birmingham)
Late Postcoloniality: The Postcolonial Condition in the Aftermath of Independence in the Portuguese-speaking Africa
Co-Sponsored by the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies(CLACS), the NYU Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the NYU Center for the Study of Africa and the African Diaspora (CSAAD), the NYU Hemispheric Institute of Performance & Politics, and the NYU King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center(KJCC).