VIDEO | Cristina Morales: Emancipación autoral y dialéctica editorial. Del escribir con el cuerpo de Teresa de Jesús a la escritura fácil

Cristina Morales, Spanish writer, was at KJCC on Thursday, October 26, as part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas deberíamos ser escritoras - Contar y ser contadas: autoras iberoamericanas en red”.
Morales participated in the conversation “Emancipación autoral y dialéctica editorial. Del escribir con el cuerpo de Teresa de Jesús a la escritura fácil.” The discussion was moderated by Pura Fernández and introduced by Grecia Márquez García (NYU). You can watch it here or below:
Morales (Granada, 1985) is the author of the novels Lectura fácil (Anagrama, National Narrative Award 2019 and Herralde Novel Award 2018), Terroristas modernos (2017), Últimas tardes con Teresa de Jesús (2015) and Los combatientes (2013), awarded with the INJUVE Prize for Narrative 2012 from the Government of Spain; as well as the book of stories La merienda de las niñas (2008). Playwright for various Spanish theaters and companies, in 2021 she was a fellow of the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome and selected by Granta magazine among the 25 best writers in Spanish under 35 years of age. Graduated in Law and Political Science and a specialist in International Relations, she is also a dancer and choreographer for the contemporary dance company Iniciativa Sexual Femenina, executive producer of the punk band At-Asko and archivist and disseminator of mugrelindas with the BachiniBachini collective. The German translation of Lectura fácil, by Friederike von Criegern, won the Internationaler Literaturpreis 2022 (International Prize for European Literature) which recognizes an outstanding work of contemporary literature, whose author has been translated into German for the first time.