VIDEO | Luna Miguel: El coloquio de las perras o cómo (no) acabar con la escritura de las mujeres hispanas. Sobre genealogías, lecturas, comunidades y emociones

Luna Miguel, Spanish writer and editor, was at KJCC on Friday, November 11, as part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas deberíamos ser escritoras - Contar y ser contadas: autoras iberoamericanas en red”.
Miguel participated in the conversation “El coloquio de las perras o cómo (no) acabar con la escritura de las mujeres hispanas. Sobre genealogías, lecturas, comunidades y emociones.” The discussion was moderated by Pura Fernández and introduced by Carolina Dàvila-Dìaz (NYU). You can watch here or below:
Miguel (Alcalá de Henares, 1990) lives between Barcelona and Madrid. She works as an editor. She has published seven books of poems, including “Los estòmagos” (2015) and “Poesía masculina” (2021). She is also the author of the novel “El funeral de Lolita” (2018); from the theatrical monologue “Ternura y derrota” (2021); and the essays “El coloquio de las perras” (2019), “Caliente” (2021) and “Leer mata” (2022).