VIDEO | Marta Sanz: Cuerpos, escritura, violencias y desobediencias. Los nuevos lenguajes y discursos de las monstruas y centauras del feminismo

Marta Sanz, Spanish writer, was at KJCC on Thursday, November 10, as part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas deberíamos ser escritoras - Contar y ser contadas: autoras iberoamericanas en red”.
Sanz participated in the conversation “Cuerpos, escritura, violencias y desobediencias. Los nuevos lenguajes y discursos de las monstruas y centauras del feminismo.” The discussion was moderated by Pura Fernández and introduced by Tatiana Rojas Ponce (NYU). You can watch it here or below:
Sanz (Madrid, 1967) is a doctor in Philology. She has published novels, short stories, essays and poems. Among the first we point out: “El frío,” “Los mejores tiempos (Ojo Crítico Award from RNE in 2001),” Susana y los viejos (finalist for the Nadal award 2006)," “La lección de anatomía,” the trilogy of detective Arturo Zarco –“Black, black, black,” “Un buen detective no se casa jamás,” and “Pequeñas mujeres rojas,” Tenerife Noir Award 2020–, “Daniela Astor y la caja negra” (Tigre Juan, Cálamo-Otra mirada and Estado Crítico awards), “Amor fou,” “Farándula” (Herralde award, 2016), “Clavícula” and “Parte de mí.” She has participated with stories in collective volumes and obtained the Vargas Llosa-NH prize. “Retablo” are two stories illustrated by Fernando Vicente. Her complete poetry has been collected under the title “Corpórea” (2022). The collection of poems “Vintage” was the Madrid Critics Award. Her essays “No tan incendiario,” y “Monstruas y centauras,” which received the CEGAL 2018 award and Secret Encyclopedia stand out. She is editor of the Libro de la mujer fatal y Tsunami, a collective volume of feminist texts. She collaborates with El País, the SER chain and is a teacher at the Escuela de Escritores.