VIDEO | Sara Mesa: La rebeldía de la mala letra frente a los silencios, la incomodidad del lenguaje y de los cuerpos

Sara Mesa, Spanish writer, was at KJCC on Thursday, November 8, as part of Pura Fernández, Fall 2022 KJC Chair, Program “Todas deberíamos ser escritoras - Contar y ser contadas: autoras iberoamericanas en red”.
Mesa participated in the conversation “La rebeldía de la mala letra frente a los silencios, la incomodidad del lenguaje y de los cuerpos.” The discussion was moderated by Pura Fernández and introduced by Alejandra Rosenberg-Navarro (NYU). You can watch here or below:
Mesa (Madrid, 1976) is the author of seven novels and three books of short stories. Its titles include Cuatro por cuatro (Herralde Award finalist), Cicatriz (Ojo Crítico award from RNE), Cara de pan and Un amor (chosen as book of the year 2020 by media such as El País, El Cultural and La Vanguardia), as well as the volume of stories Mala letra and the essay Silencio administrativo. La pobreza en el laberinto burocrático, all of them published in Anagrama. Her work has been translated into a dozen languages. Her latest novel is titled The Family (2022).