Join us for the closing keynote of the Gabinete Fang exhibit!
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Djamila Ribeiro and Ibram X. Kendi in conversation
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Three different positions at KJCC
Internships at KJCC: 2 credits (8-10 hours) / 4 credits (12-16 hours) *Administered through the Department of Spanish & Portuguese with approval from Internship Director, Lourdes Dávila: lourdes.davila@nyu.edu Or internship course credit through another department with approval of KJCC Director ...
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Join us for the Film Screening of Sediments!
Thursday, April 11 7:00 pm Free and open to the public RSVP required More information here
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Edad y territorio como vehículos de otrerización
Para asistir a este evento, por favor regístrese aquí Edad y Territorio como Vehículos de Otrerización—with Berna Wang and Verónica Ruth Frias, moderated by Julia Chang ¿Qué pasa cuando tu cuerpo y mente no tienen la edad deseada por la sociedad? ¿Pueden el arte y el pensamiento surgir y diseminars...
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Highlights from the opening of our exhibit "Ellas son Ciencia"
The exhibition is a partnership between Sino-Spanish illustrator Quan Zhou and MECUSA, a project of the organization ECUSA (españoles científicos en USA) focused on women in science. Learn more about this exhibition here
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Maternidades y Feminismos en España: Interseccionalidad y decolonialidad
March 7, 2024 | 7:00 PM More information here
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¡Ven a celebrar los activismos en favor de las mujeres!
Ambos eventos son gratis y abiertos al público - Conozca más sobre Ellas son Ciencia, aquí - Conozca más sobre Maternidades y feminismos en España, aquí
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Gabinete Fang: A Project about Memory, History, and Colonial Legacies in 20th and 21st Century Equatorial Guinea and Spain
Gabinete Fang, or the “Fang Cabinet,” is a project that seeks to explore how memories (historical and personal, national and institutional, archival and artistic, oral and corporeal) are drawn, appropriated, stored, and brought back out again as part of a prolonged (and often violent) history of the...
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Race Narratives through Contemporary Media: Comic, Podcasts & AI
KJC Chair Quan Zhou in conversation with Wan Sonya Tang (Boston College) and Mary Kate Donovan (Skidmore College) about her work and how different contemporary media have influenced and impacted the expression of race issues in Contemporary Spain from a Sino-Spanish perspective. Thursday, February ...
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Graduate Seminar 2024
En este seminario estudiaremos, de modo interactivo, el arte como modo de transitar, el arte como vehículo de expresión y sanación y el arte como salvavidas y medio de vida. Tomando como punto de partida una revisión colectiva (feminista, trans-inclusiva y anti-racista) del Art-Brut y el arte “outsi...
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Fridays on the Patio - Day without Art (World AIDS Day)
NYU’s KJCC and Grey Art Gallery are proud to partner with Visual AIDS for Day With(out) Art 2023 by presenting Everyone I Know Is Sick, a program of five videos generating connections between HIV and other forms of illness and disability. The program features newly commissioned work by Dorothy Cheu...
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Symposium: Tales of Time, Images of Memory: Archives, Evidence, Connections
In Latin America, we live in urgent times that require us to rethink our relationship with the past and with the remnants of multiple temporalities. Zones of extractivism, dispossession and specific violences—a violence of conquest, some authors would say—are mixed with recognition, cultural soverei...
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Don't miss "The Legacy of Catalan Psychiatrist Francesc Tosquelles", a conversation about anti-authoritarian Politics, Institutional Psychotherapy and the Postwar European Cultural Avantgarde
Dr. Carles Guerra (Visiting Professor in Catalan Studies, CEMS) Introduced by Edward Dioguardi (NYU, American Folk Art Museum) Respondent: Camille Robcis (Columbia University) Based on years of research about Francesc Tosquelles (1912-1994), a Catalan psychiatrist working in the early 20th-ce...
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Lecture: Colonizing Gestures and the Colonial Gaze in Images of Equatorial Guinea
EVENT | LECTURE November 1, 2023 | 7:00 PM This presentation considers the far-reaching legacies of colonial ways of seeing and understanding the world. It specifically discusses the complexities and contradictions of contemporary representations of Spain’s colonization of Equatorial Guinea, and ...
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"Ispilu: Mirrors of Identity in Music" a conversation with Basque musician Lore Amenabar Larrañaga
Join Galician musician, writer and educator Cristina Pato (NYU KJCC Chair 2019-2020) and Basque musician Lore Amenabar Larrañaga in a conversation about cultural identity and its relationship with musical languages. In this dialogue with Steinhardt Department of Music's SPAIN arts & culture visitin...
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